Tuesday, January 22, 2008

are you there god....?

yep it is me.
we talked about the spiritual awakening in appendix 2 tonight at the step study. my present understanding that is working right now: there is a god and i am not him. i grew up in the church and have a current distaste for it, yet i KNOW god is real...but i am still getting to know him. i guess that will be an ongoing journey...

some good nuggets were expressed in the meeting tonight:
---this program is a matter of life or death. if i continued eating the way i was i would die. so do i really want to recover and go to any lengths to do so.
-- insanity: doing the same thing over and over and excepting a different result
--we will recover
-- it is not a religion it is a relationship
-- the promises will ALWAYS materialize IF i work for them
-- put my worries in a god box and let him worry about it.

i missed a couple of days last week of meetings... i may start my 90 in 90 over again. i have mixed feelings about that... need to discuss this with my sponsor.


Down in Sunny San Diego said...

In terms of starting your 90 in 90 over again, think of it in this way: are you willing to go to any lengths for recovery? The answer to the question has to be what is your honest truth. Maybe it is not about the 90 in 90, but it is about recovery. I have an assignment I give sponsees to read We Agnostics for 14 days in a row, reading the entire thing. If they missed even one day, they'd have to start again. I had to do it for 3 weeks when I was given the assignment and I understand what it's about ... getting it!

Christie Bates McKaskle said...

Another idea for completing your 90 in 90 is to do two a day until you catch up. When I've been in your current frame of mind, a couple of meetings a day is a godsend anyway.