Sunday, December 16, 2007

star trek- star wars...same thing

captain's log - day ?
it appears that our ship is under duress. time has morphed and each passing minute could be a day. that tends to happen when one is under the influence.

you know that state of consciousness that is between being awake and sleeping? wellI was surfing through there for a while this morning/afternoon. in this "dream" i was at a four way intersection and I indicated that I wanted to make a left turn. I realized that I was on the wrong track and wanted to turn around. Only when the green arrow came on it was for a right turn. I was in the left lane so that did not make sense. Also I could have gone straight but that would have led me to a highway to god knows where. So I am freaking out because all I want to do is turn around and I can't. the people in back of me are blowing their horns all pissed off and shit. and i am frozen.

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