Monday, December 31, 2007


last night the fat on my neck and chin felt like it was compressing my trachea.
i felt/feel trapped in my skin like i feel trapped in my own house. i love my parents but there is no privacy here. i hate being questioned everytime i want to go to a meeting. where are you going? why? etc. i hate having to explain myself. since i am used to living alone it is hard to answer to them. i have not told them about OA... just don't think they will understand it and i feel comfortable discussing something so personal to me.
anyway, it is new year;s eve. i felt posting something.
went to a meeting last night and the speaker mentioned the concept of "top plate" when one's life is unmanageable it can be overwhelming to begin recovery work. so he said that the tactic he used is just focus on what is in front of me right now, what is most important- focus on that then the next plate will rise and i can then focus on that.
so my top plate is.....
go for a walk then take a shower.

1 comment:

Down in Sunny San Diego said...

Libre, being kind and gentle with yourself on this new journey is what is necessary. Maybe right now is not the time to talk to your parents about OA in your life. It took me a while to talk to people openly about that part of my life because I was so protective of it, while also carrying some "shame" that I couldn't handle it on my own.
After some time, I was glad to share the good news of OA with those that asked because I felt it was important to share what was working for me. Granted, that was down the line.

Congratulations to you on your journey so far ;-)